POWER AND AUTHORITY are highly sought after prizes In the world of work and play. If you follow what people are reading, what gets posted on LinkedIn, and what the current business seminars offer, it often has something to do with taking charge of relationships, uploading your confidence, and closing the deal. I mean after all, our current president is known in part for his book, The Art of the Deal.Lucky for me ( yep, that’s saracasm… I don’t believe in luck), my world has friendly and not-so friendly reminders that frequently bump me up close to reality– that is, a regular tutorial 101 to get me to see just where the real power lies. Read on…
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What makes me happy today: I exercised, had breakfast with my wife, and turned in my dissertation!
What I’m reading: John 15, Genesis 31, and preparing for my next class at Cornerstone
Yet to do? Exercise, study, and Small group Bible study tonight!
Have a great day!