Something remarkable happened the other night, and I had nothing to do with it. After a great discussion from II Samuel 8 on the multitude of wars and the “Just war theory” from Augustine, we gave ourselves to prayer. When we finished I was privy to a remarkable moment when one of the guys I was praying with (I’ll call him Dan) recounted the time with another man in the church (I’ll call him Joe) helped him when he came home from Vietnam to deal with the horrors of war and the taking of a life that is naturally associated with being a soldier. And then, another of my prayer partners (I’ll call him Paul), reflected upon the significance of Joe’s comfort (remember him from above) when his family lost a son and a sibling to suicide, only to find the same comfort returned when Joe and Bev lost a son in an accident. What a moment, and that’s why I show up to pray for my brothers and sisters in Christ. MJC