Given the nature of the world we live in I found it informative to read about a pilot recently who, during her maneuvers, prepared to make an upward assent but upon pulling the wheel upward sharply, immediately crashed into the ground. She had somehow been flying upside down. It is clear that many find themselves flying through life upside down.
Truth is we all search for happiness and most of us desire to be productive in our work; most likewise want families that manifest love, togetherness and share a common purpose. And yet, the longer I live I’m convinced that our effectiveness and productivity are too often impeded by our inability to learn the lessons of Jesus for living well in the kingdom. Too many mistakenly believe that his “talk” on the mountain is neither achievable now nor meant for our own day, preferring to relegate its benefits for a future day and age. How sad, especially when Jesus had so much to say about our present needs in every part of his ministry but especially in the “Talk on the Hill.”
Specifically then consider the potential losses related to two issues that confound our ability to solve them: unbridled anger and uncontrolled sexual expression. Anger kills, it lies at the base of murders and senseless atrocities. It’s companion adultery, whether cloked by pornography or abuse is responsible for destroying families and livelihoods.
I talked with a friend and business owner just the other day who informed me that he was dealing with two employees who had to be separated and re-assigned just to ensure there are no physical alterations in the plant. And then there are the repercussions both personally and corporately for the sexual liaisons, indiscretions and affairs that destroy careers, inhibit profitability and sometimes lead to criminal behavior.
Jesus reminded his listeners that anger can grow quickly and left unresolved morphs into contempt, and lastly into the “fool” stage, where our contempt for people becomes so acute that Jesus consigns the offender to the fires of Gehenna. And what connection does this have to sex? Just think how many marriages are destroyed by anger and contempt; it may be for the body, for the mind, or talents, or for something the spouse has done, but such anger hastens the contempt which results in a loss of intimacy and the search for something “better” outside of the marriage bond.
Maybe what we really need is someone who can help us see the world as it really is and someone to help us see which way is really up. I think I know someone who does that perfectly. We should call upon him before we fly into the ground.