Therefore, what God wants from us… (Tozer: pg: 57, The Root)
“Occasionally, one’s heart is cheered by the discovery of some insatiable saint who is willing to sacrifice everything for the sheer joy of experiencing God in increasing intimacy. To such we offer this word of exhortation. Pray on, fight on, sing on! Do not underrate anything God may have done for you heretofore. Thank God for everything up to this point, but do not stop here. Press on into the deep things of God. Insist upon tasting the profounder mysteries of redemption. Keep your feet on the ground, but let your heart soar as high as it will. Refuse to be average or to surrender to the chill of your spiritual environment. If you thus ”follow after“, heaven will be surely opened to you and you will, with Ezekiel, see visions of God. Unless you do these things you will reach at last the bone yard of orthodoxy and be doomed to live out your days in a spiritual state which can be best described as th”dead level and quintessence of every mediocrity.“ From such a state, God save us all.”

*For our graduates
I charge you graduates before the God of Heaven and the earth; to love your God with all of your heart, to seek his ways all of your days of your life, to follow His Son for as long as you shall live, and to cultivate his Gifts for the benefit of the church and your contribution to the culture. I further charge you to seek the best that God has in every area of your life, from career path to marriage partner; to strengthen your mind to embrace the truth of God and then secure the diligence to practically apply it; to willingly share the message of the Gospel to the people whose hearts God will open; to choose the harder of the two paths available, and to suffer for the cause of Christ if, or when God calls you to suffer. This I charge you before God, the Angels, and these assembled witnesses, and God Himself!

*For Tim
Tim, I further charge you to keep the goals and aspirations of your sending agency in mind; to honor the testimony of your Savior, and guard your own testimony and the reputation of your Mission; to always remember that your responsibilities to your supporters are superseded by your responsibility to your God. He is faithful and you must prove yourself a good steward to be faithful. We desire that the Nicuragians will be strengthened by your time with them, and likewise, you with them.
I charge you to surrender to this call and do it with all your might. Will you agree to this?
I will serve to the best of my ability, recognizing my need of prayer and my willingness to learn:
Church family:
we recognize this service opportunity is of God and we desire that Tim be successful; we promise to inquire about his progress and well being, and to pray for him regularly, and when God specifically brings his needs to our minds.

The Prayer circle
Prayer for all of them!



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