Today my NY kids celebrated a rite of passage common to families everywhere– the first day of school. Our grandson Jonny donned his new “Lightning McQueen” backpack, his brand new school clothes, and his favorite lunch box and marched off to his very first day of kindergarten. Daniel and Kim were right there, celebrating the moment and encouraging the little guy as he found his desk, located his best friend, met his teacher, and settled in to his new routine. This is truly the stuff of great memories. So that got me to thinking of the many firsts that our spiritual predecessors encountered.
Without developing an exhaustive list, can I begin by calling Moses to your attention? What was that first encounter with God like? Was it wonder, fear, fascination or all of the above that left him flat-footed in his tracks before the flames that resonated from that bush? What about the very first time the disciples saw Jesus after the crucifixion? I mean, after all, he walked cleanly through the wall. And what came over the heart of the blind man who could now see? Finally, what was going through John’s mind the very first time he cast his eyes upon the Lord in Revelation 1? Is there any common ground here?
A couple of observations come to mind. In each case there was an initial fear about the scene that has unfolded before them. Imagine, for example, the heart rate of the man who has never seen anything before. There likewise seems to be a certain fascination with these firsts; Moses is captivated by the bush that was not consumed; John marvels at the sights that the Lord God has rolled out before him. And lastly, I observe a certain fondness or maybe its a special favor that seems to pervade all of these encounters; Moses enjoys the sovereign protection of The God who promises to shadow his every move; The disciples bask in the presence of a Savior who has conquered death and John enjoys the favor of God who has provided him a front row seat to the future of the world, where God stands as the world’s eternal victor.
So, when it comes to all of your firsts, embrace the fear that nearly always comes and give it over to Jesus. You may be surprised that your fear will be consumed by a fascination with the scope of what God has next in your life. And then, you can rest in His favor, enjoying the contentment which comes from the realization that the Christ that is in you is the hope that defines you. (Phil. 1:6)
Walk wisely.