Our Dangerous times
Check out the link for my Sunday shorter sermon entitled: The Gift of simplicity https://conta.cc/33DZ3UI
Check out the link for my Sunday shorter sermon entitled: The Gift of simplicity https://conta.cc/33DZ3UI
The service to my country began in 1976 and involved three and a half years in active duty with the US Army, and continues to this day as a teacher, minister of the Gospel and writer. I took an oath the date I entered the military to protect and defend Read more…
Think about all the times we could really use a cool drink, a kind word, or even a loving embrace. In my life, it could never have been delivered more effectively than from my mother. For, when I was retching over the toilet from the stomach flu, no matter the Read more…
Good Day I’ve been thinking about graham crackers lately, thanks mainly to my wife’s interest having being primed by the students in first grade at Libertas. They were thinking about the graham cracker and that’s all it took for Debbie to pursue some timely research. Turns out that the famous Read more…
The “BEFORE ITS A WRAP” Last word Great is the believer whose friends include someone who will tell him the truth about the Christian life— The real truth about getting the most out of Christian life without watching it all unravel before our eyes. Text Galatians 5:19-25 It’s really not Read more…
Madmen meditate— Christians don’t! Madmen meditate, or so I’m told, but Christians not so much. It’s happened again. If the rainbow has unfortunately fallen upon tough times in our current social climate, then the practice of the Spiritual Disciplines, specifically for my interests, biblical meditation, has fallen victim to the Read more…
Why Beauty lingers on– I’ve been thinking about the recent fire at the Notre Dame Cathedral and people’s reaction to it. Along the way, I have encountered a wide range of responses, from an almost gleeful celebration at its destruction (serves those Catholics right for their obsession with pagan sentimentalities), Read more…
The other night I was attending a celebration that brought my wife and me back in touch with some folks with whom we have enjoyed a connection over the years. We were seated at a table of people we knew and during dinner I learned that a former colleague of Read more…
A number of years ago, I picked up a book with a catchy title, on the advice of someone who recommended it to me. All I really need to know I learned in kindergarten by Robert Fulghum suggested that the fundamental lessons of of life were learned in that early Read more…