How to Slay a Giant
Text: I Samuel 17:1-58 Intro: When you have a giant to slay, don’t ask Jack… Follow along as we unpack David’s great challenge from his giant? How might we measure up against ours?
Text: I Samuel 17:1-58 Intro: When you have a giant to slay, don’t ask Jack… Follow along as we unpack David’s great challenge from his giant? How might we measure up against ours?
Another name for Biblical Hermeneutics It occurred to me recently that there might be some of my connections who would value tuning in to what I am presently doing weekly at Grandville Bible Church. Currently I am in the midst of a year-long Bible study based upon a former course Read more…
What to read: I Timothy 4:7-8 Title: What were you thinking about when you were a teenager? During the earliest days of our country’s existence, in fact, before it was even a country, the American colonies were home to many godly pastors who were hard at work preaching the Gospel Read more…
Yesterday (May 6), I had the privilege of sharing two workshops close to my heart at the conference: A Pastor’s perspective: Helping churches gain and sustain a Pro-life Connection: Ministering from a full Spiritual Tank: I’ve made several attempts to upload the PDFS from those sessions. Here is another try. Read more…
February 13,2022——- chapter 4 I served in the military during a period of relative peace for the country which meant that I was never deployed into a real war zone. My service was filled with plenty of challenges and several temporary overseas deployments but the challenges I faced were primarily Read more…
I loved Paul Tournier’s comment that I happened upon recently. He writes, “I live differently but not less.” I’ve been very interested as of late in the culture’s interest in prolonging life, and its relationship to a Christian’s motivation for growing older. My research has revealed a growing body of Read more…
Confess Eventually, we all get in too deep. It can happen to the best of us, and often in spite of our best intentions. And that’s why after we have climbed to a higher altitude for better perspective and maximized our resources, we must return to the critical page in Read more…
Having now examined something of the nature of climbing, let’s move on to the Second of Rumsfeld’s Rules as he encountered them in the cockpit of his Navy Trainer. Conserve I think we all know what conserve means. Webster defines it as the process of keeping something in “a safe Read more…
“He said it so plainly and with such perspective., that it caught my attention. Donald Rumsfeld, commenting on his time in a trainer aircraft, said, ” Right there in the manual of this my trainer aircraft was those three words: Climb, Conserve, and Confess” I just happened to be perusing Read more…
“It was all my fault.” As Robert E Lee surveyed the carnage that resulted from the failed effort at Pickett’s Charge, he is reported to have met his troops retreating from the defeat, with the words, “It was all my Fault.” And in fact, it likely was. The three day Read more…